Lowndes Grove Wedding Photographer
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Lowndes Grove Wedding Photographer

Photographing weddings is an honor, and you are constantly always keeping your eyes open for any moment, especially when the bride and groom depart and get sent off, that is one of the most important captures for a wedding, it is the last image at the end of the album, and this wedding at Lowndes Grove Plantation was not any different, the bride father was a well-known photographer, what an honor for her to choose me to capture their day, what it meant for me to get those amazing images for them. As they were leaving I saw this beautiful very old Mercedes convertible, it was the perfect night and weather for it, I followed them around the grounds of Lowndes Grove Plantation, as they headed towards the car, I knew the expression they had on their faces would tell the entire story from such a lovely day, this is the image they would choose for their thank you cards, and the album.

Keywords: Lowndes Grove Wedding.