Engagement Beach Photographer
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Engagement Beach Photographer

Photographing at the beach opens a wonderful outdoor experience for your couples and engagement photography. Composition, the mood, and what you create for every engagement photo you create is what your clients, have commissioned you to capture for their portrait. How you capture the images in that fashion is strictly your call. Photography is about light, but before you get to that point, you need to have a vision for the art, your composition, what your image will have in the frame of your camera, what story are you telling, to make this image different from every other. Sure having the proper tools, can be one part, as is light, but the artistic side of you is why time and time again your clients will hire you for their engagement session. In every engagement session, you need to direct your clients and give them great instruction on how you want them to pose. As in this image my clients had no idea of what was in my frame, the relationship between them both lead me to a more artistic result, as I realized looking down that there were two dimensions to the image with the reflection from the sand. The lines that lead your eyes through the ripple of the water from the sand are exactly why I created this engagement image on the beach for my couple, and why it speaks artistry in every way.

Keywords: Artisic, Beach (2), Composition (2), Engagement Photography (4), Reflection.