Best Charleston SC Engagement Photography
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Best Charleston SC Engagement Photography

Engagement photography inspiration is what we all want to create for our clients. Being one of the best Charleston, SC, engagement photographers, which is a compliment I hear quite frequently from them. Every engagement session I photograph has a variety of images, that I will give back to every client. For most of my engagement sessions here in Charleston, SC, I offer the clients a change into two different outfits, and my clients always glam out with high fashion, I love that because in many instances I have a better opportunity to create even more fashion like engagement images, making my engagement photography different with that type of style. Take for instance this image, my client came out with their second change of outfit, and the first thing I noticed as she kept on looking at them, was these fabulous heels, with an amazing palette of colors. Yes, you need to pay lots of attention to what your clients wear. As we walked around, I saw the gravel street and posed them there, what caught my attention was the iron gate, because I knew right away what I was going to capture. By moving my lens to the correct zoom setting and concentrating on my client's shoes, and putting her in front with those glam heels, and adding the see-through gate look, I was able to create an amazing image like this.

Keywords: Charleston (622), Clients, Engagement (16), Fashion, Heels, Outfit, sc (99), Style.