Wedding Photographers in Charleston SC
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Bridal Portraits

Wedding Photographers in Charleston SC

The making of a compelling portrait is an art like no other. The image must be flattering, artistic, and have proper lighting, among other elements. I have mastered this craft and I am proud to have captured a once-in-a-lifetime bridal portrait for my client, who is now a friend. Nearly 12 years ago, her sister got married at the Old Exchange Building and Provost in Charleston, South Carolina, located at 122 E Bay Street. Her sister's wedding was magical, and I felt blessed to have captured it. About 10 years later, the other sister was getting married in North Carolina, and both sisters chose me to be the photographer once again. When it was time for the bridal portrait, we photographed her in multiple locations in Charleston. While looking through a gate during the photo session, I captured an image of the bride at her best. Her pose and emotion were perfect, the focus was sharp, and the gate added something special to the image. This black and white image remains my favorite from my wedding photography career and features my friend, Amy.Keywords: Bridal Portrait Photographer (29), Charleston (622), Michel Berda (650), Wedding Photographer (528).