Gaillard Center Staircase Bridal Portrait Photographer
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Gaillard Center Staircase Bridal Portrait Photographer

With over three years into state of the art, The new Gaillard Center here in Charleston SC has finally opened. The interior of the Gaillard Center, as details in the design and construction that are amazing, with first-class acoustics, unique century lighting, luxurious salons, elegant curtains, stained glass windows, carved woods, inviting colors, fossilized marble, and two grand staircases on the first floor that feature ironworks with it sweeping stairways. In preparing to showcase a bridal portrait in The Gaillard Center grand stairways and putting all of this into an incredible image, a lot of thought had to be done, to capture the perfect bridal portrait. The first part was finding the right wide lens to make sure that I included everything in this beautiful staircase, as you notice the lighting plays a key part in this image getting that balanced as well, you will also notice the large center light that is the focal point of the image. Not taking away from the bride who clearly should be the focal point, I opt to have her to the right angle of my lens which still gave her a great look and exposure and in my opinion made this image even more spectacular with the color of the dress, designed by Hayley Paige, the bride beauty and the natural pose that is so elegant and calm. I know this will be an image that many brides will admire when they are looking to have their bridal portrait capture at the Gaillard Center, here in Charleston SC.

Location: Charleston, SC.

Keywords: Bridal Portrait (28), Charleston (622), Gaillard Center (3), Hayley Paige (5), sc (99), Staircase (2), Wedding Photographer (528).