Charleston Bridal Photography
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Bridal Portraits

Charleston Bridal Photography

How do you achieve as a Charleston bridal photographer from getting the best bridal portraits? Knowing your craft is one thing, but having to create a great bridal portrait, well that takes some getting used to. When a bride commissions you to photograph her portrait, there are locations to figure out, time of day, what type of time you have allowed for this session, and how you put all of those components into one perfect image. As for me, I am glad I have had 16 years to figure this all out. I am even happier with the amazing bridal portrait images I have captured from my career and passion for the art. As in this image where the bride was comfortable and very happy to have me photograph her in the marshland which is very hard to do, as you want to make very sure that the dress is kept very clean. I was able to have myself and my camera at the perfect angle, and while showing this in my photograph, and having the marshland both in the lower front of my frame, as I left the negative space to the left of my frame, with the Ravenel bridge in the background. You see once you have mastered your craft, it all comes into a perfect captured bridal portrait image.

Location: 1225 Blakeway Street Suite 1303.

Keywords: Bridal Portrait (28), Bridal Portrait Photographer (29), Charleston (622), sc (99), Water Front Park (7), Wedding Photographer (528).